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How To Survive Serial Killers & Almost Being Kidnapped with Maureen Driscoll

Danielle and Kristine learn how to survive serial killers, and our guest Maureen Driscoll joins us to share her nearly kidnapping experience while staying abroad!

We have giveaways coming soon (we ran out of time on our last Patreon (  episode), but we are moving our merchandise to a different company, so bear with us! 

Here's a great article from HuffPost  ( with lots of serial killer details.

The FBI has all the stats! (

 Myths (  about serial killers.

 Here's that statistic about winning the lottery. (

Want more Ted Bundy? (

 Here is the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath. (

A fun study (  about serial killer rehabilitation.

Theories  ( about why serial killing has declined in recent years.

For storytime, Kristine shared the story of Kara Robinson Chamberlain ( , who survived a serial killer and not only escaped but also helped the police to catch him!

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